Tackimon Is Finished!!!
12/7/99 - 9:28:41
That's nothing. there's this guy, he's got the drop on you all! He's got the "legal rights" to the http://www.popeye-x.com name. He's talking over every website that mentions his name. As soon as his name is typed, anywhere on the Net, a Eudora Lite macro is sent by Tesla coil mouse to the central computer they have in Fyiyctaj, Japan, where it is relayed instanly to billions of people via irritating webpage banners no one can get rid of fast enough. Your activity is "very high", but Tackimon has wilted from a pathetic, self-inflicted 1-2-3 punch that took her argument out the door and dumpstered them for good! Bolton searches, curse words in the descriptions, and having a warning. 1-2-3, they all went down like ducks. Tackimon is finished!