from: Walker, Texas Stalker
12:22:28 PM
Now listen here, you tiny, high-voiced, weinerless little freak! Once my posse gets our Stalker2000 Criminal Data Server up and running again, subpoenas will be forthcoming! What you did to Traci Fishbaugh and Terrie Eelson, and their defender, Nodick17, was not only wrong, but since Traci didn't like it, that makes it illegal too! By displaying negative information about Traci's Monkees Fan Club on an obscure domain that appears on the 28th page of a Google search, you have driven her off the web and made her fear for her mental health! Whiny, skinny, domineering, back-stabbing expatriated American chicks living in Australia with fruity-named boyfriends aside, you and you alone are entirely responsible for Traci's paranoid schizophrenia that causes her to think she's an ambiguously-gendered member of a non-existent demographic group with two non-gender-specific and non-age-specific but very easily damaged young children!
Laugh now, buddy, in your little gnome laugh that sounds like a normal laugh recorded at 7.5 ips but played back at 15. The next sound you hear may be The Knock In The Night!
Walker, Texas Stalker