from: Madame E
9:17:04 AM
Been by Monde's very cool site. She's so funny! She's probably 10 years younger than I am and she's calling herself old. You better stop that little girl! Madame E is finer in everyway than she was when 20. CAUTION: saying those things can make everything start to wrinkle. And Demi, I'm not a tooth pick anymore either but round curves are better than boney angles.
I loved that OTTO piece on the use of music to manipulate canned thought/emotion in TV, too! Straights can't see the pure insightful, honesty. They're, I guess, only programmed to observe the shallow, especially in a raunchy format. And that raunchy irreverance is the natural state of KURT; so when he's his nasty best, he's wholey! hehhe
Hey, check out his take on the evolution of man, if you haven't already. Too funny, too real!
Come see us more often. "OUT" laws are always welcome!