from: ppx
8:28:33 AM
Pec, You ought to see her 20 year old daughter....
You would DIE! Gladly!
Talk about chocolate cake!
Mommy would blow you away, too.
You know I don't kid around about such matters. I think we communicate on that level pretty directly. Madame E takes over wherever she goes, and that includes this cheesy board. She comes and goes as she pleases, and I would be the LAST person on this Earth to try and stop her. She is everything wonderful, several times over. BTW, Cyber Barbie is her daughter, Donie. Donie wrote a really cool review of a CD of mine. http://www.popeye-x.com/ftw/reviews.htm I was thinkin', the Pecster is in his 20's? Cyber Barbie would make you crazy, son. Absolutely crazy. Be sure and be nice to mommy, she holds the keys to the kingdom.