from: SneakyBoy Careware

Feeling bored? Its no longer necessary!

Download the latest product from the
SneakyBoy Careware Product Line

Cyber *HUG*

Finally, a program that lets the people who really care stand up and be counted!
Hit Counter

some features:

Sends a cyber hug, i. e. a *HUG*, to anyone you want, anytime you want, AUTOMATICALLY!

Got a friend who's feeling bored?

Let Cyber *HUG* send them a *HUG* every 5 minutes, or if they're really bored, every 5 seconds!!!!

At the same time, every cyber *HUG* you send out will be CC'd to over 5 million other Cyber Huggers in our Network!

Because we care so much, once you get on our cyber hugger list, (by reading this page now), its virtually impossible to get off, due to our obligation to you that we keep our pledge: All Cyber *HUGS* will get to their intended destinations!

Also... just to sweeten the deal,
you also get a free trial
Cyber *HUGGERS* Chat Membership!

If you're "really into the Internet", get
Cyber *HUG* Pro
which is bundled with our other "over one zillion free downloads" anti-stalking product, 
Cyber Celery

You can help stamp out Internet stalking by sending stalkers a *HUG* as often as you think they need one, every 5 milliseconds, if necessary.

Also, Cyber *HUG* Pro gives you the
Smiley Face ASCII character to use in place of your real name, in case you want to send Cyber *HUGS* anonymously!

Another fine product of SneakyBoy Careware
Caring Immensely For A New & Hurting Millennium, Helping People & Changing Lives...



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