Notice to the TT's--- Here's what you need to do to REALLY know what PPX is up to... Get a search tool called WebFerret. Its out there, I think its a Ferret Soft product. It searches about 8 major search engines, its really good, you'll love it... Type in the name "Terrie Neilson", or "Traci Kishbaugh", with quotes, and watch it unfold! You will see a beautiful display of MULTIPLE PPX pages about BOTH of you Bolton Sluts, including my tributes to Georgie and Chuckie. Then, you won't have to spy on my site, because you'll see the results of me SUBMITTING to search engines EVERYTIME I do a page on YOU! Don't try to say I'm harassing you at the Hall Of Fame website, that's other people signing my name, because they like to laugh at you freaking over Popeye-X, plus they like to bug me, too. But I really don't mind, because ITS FUNNY!!!! You two useless, worn-out ovary bags ought to GIVE UP trying to fight me, I've already whipped your butts, thoroughly. If you don't believe me, just consult WebFerret!! And I saw how you lame-assed cunts tried to copy me by adding graphics to your stupid Bolton site. Its too wide, you shitheads!!! Don't you know what "pixel width" means? God, you two, and your fellow fan club nazi pals, are so stupid... its unbelievable |