from: Nathan M.
3:58:46 PM
Delete me. Lessen my distraction. I'm at peace. OHM... OHM... My monkey thing was different and more interesting than anything you have up sissy bitch. As for not wanting to entertain - that's a load of Texan bullshit. what the hell would anybody in thier right mind come to your site for if not to be entertained? Enlightenment? As for the supposedly great state of Texas, oh where do I start. I'm an Ex-Marine and fully a third the guys I met from Texas had some kind of gunshot wound, idiotic stuff like missing finger segments from cleaning loaded shotguns and missing chunks of face from the same. Their was a guy in my boot camp platoon who blew our big final inspection by picking his nose in front of the inspecting Coronel. Texans were notorious for trying to skate out of firewatch and for going off into the recesses somewhere and taking a nap. On top of that they're often just mean people with no obvious excuse. In short Virginia, they suck. You are no exception.