Guys Wearing Rolex Watches
Talking $14,000 Deals
from: as told to popeye-x
by robert brady last night
03-12-11 ::: 03:22:07
Last night, my friend Robert Brady came by for the
second time in years, and he was totally freaked out by what he had read
in the these pages about the whole "Mike Talyor
Is A Thief" nightmare. It is so refreshing to have someone
who knows every person involved in the story come to me and believe me
100% from the beginning, even though it is absolutely unbelievable. I
was delighted that a person's first assumption was that I was not
insane, and was telling the truth, plain and simple. I asked him,
"Why do you believe me?" He answered, "Because I've never
known you to lie, or try to act like something you're not." Robert
and his wife, Maureen knew Buddy and Babycat their whole lives, they are
"cat lovers", you know the type, their cats have always been
full fledged family members, he knows damn well I would never involve my
sweetest little friends in such a disgusting story, unless it was truly
just as awful as I have made it out to be. His mother passed away from
cancer, too, and he was her primary care giver as well, he understood
exactly how intense my mother's death was, and he understood the
DEPRAVITY of stealing from a family in their hour of devastation.
He said over and over, "Mike Taylor wasn't raised
right." I disagreed, "Oh, yes he was, I know his parents quite
well, if they knew what their son had done, they would be horrified, and
probably more devastated than I am." I would like everyone to
please make note, you don't see me on the phone or writing a letter to
his parents about it. I have mailed them letters on many occasions, the
last one being to thank them for a contribution they made to a cancer
charity in my mother's name shortly after she died. It would be the
easiest thing in the world for me to snitch off Taylor to his parents,
any time I feel like it.
But you don't see me doing
that, do you?
And you never will.
They are elderly. They love their son as much as my
mom loved me. I am not going to shatter their illusions at this point in
their lives. Talyor and Cureton both had parents in attendence at the
SABS Robert Johnson Commemorative Plaque Banquet that flopped on its
face and ended in total disater. Cureton almost had a nervous break down
at the time. He was showing the last vestiges of conscience that he used
to posses. I wouldn't snitch him off to his mom either, even though he
made the 100% conscious decision shortly after to continue to help Cox
and Taylor rip off my poor, sweet dying mother. I have too much love for
my own mother to even think of being capable of such a thing, I refuse
to break their hearts, too.
Brady was utterly flabbergasted at the horror of the
whole nightmare, and bless his heart, he believed every word I said
without hesitation. He told me of the last time he talked to Taylor, he
saw him at his house, Taylor invited him in and showed him his studio
for the first time. For some reason Taylor was describing his setup, and
started assuring Brady it was better than mine because it wasn't in an
old dilapidated trailer, but rather was in a "nice living
room" where guys "from Austin" could come down and
discuss $14,000 deals, he emphasized they were guys wearing Rolex
watches. Brady was astonished that Taylor would say such an obvious hunk
of horseshit. He couldn't understand what my studio had to do with his
why even bring it up?
Brady said he had always been amazed how I would lend
Talyor my ADAT machine, especially when I first got it in 1992. He knows
damn well how much I have helped Talyor in every way I could down thru
the years, more than anyone else ever did. It blew him away how Taylor
would say bad things about the best friend he ever had.
Since I had his attention. I showed him how Taylor
drove me up to Austin to get the repaired ADAT for him to use on the
SAME DAY the bogus bank withdrawals started. Bob Cox was using my VISA 5
days before the card ever left my pocket and got used for the first
time. It was totally obvious Taylor had called Cox saying "the
coast is clear" and he also told him where I stashed my outside
key. The only reason Taylor knew about the keys at all was so he could
look after my kitties, if I was out of town. He could have warned me of
Cox's intentions, instead, Buddy and Babycat both wound up dead and I
blame Mike Taylor and Steve Cureton as much as that sick bastard Bob
Cox, btw, he's the ONLY asshole I've ever seen wearing a Rolex at my
New "Guys Who Wear Rolex's" Info:
This is hilarious. POJ, Jeff Walters, the guy who snitched these
bastards off to me, who also happens to be the president of an
international corporation, who also happens to be the guy who introduced
me to Robert Brady, and who also happens to be a picker/singer cowboy
songologist who has recorded and gigged with me for over 10 years, has
been wearing a Rolex at my funky trailer since day one.
A guy wearing a Rolex caused this shit, and a guy
wearing a Rolex put a stop to the shit. They're both presidents of
international corporations. They were both my best friends and hung out
in my funky ass trailer studio for years. Taylor met them both thru me.
One turned out to be a truly evil son of a bitch. It is only now coming
to light the carnage left in his wake. Mike Taylor has only himself to
blame. Same with Steve Cureton. My only connection to any of this is I
was trying to be a sincere friend to every single person involved. I was
the last to find out about what happened. I am the first to figure out
what resulted, I had no choice about that, the person that did it wanted
me to know. He thinks I had something to do with it. He's just wrong,
that's all. By rubbing my nose in it, and taking his vengence out on
those who I love the most, he has succeeded in triggering his own
destruction. That isn't my fault either. The only reason anyone is able
to read about any of this is because
A. ITS 100% TRUE
B. ITS 1000%
I wish this had never happened. I wish it wasn't
published on this website. I wish all those lives hadn't been destroyed
or hurt in any way. I wish Mike Taylor wasn't a PIECE OF SHIT. But he
IS. There's nothing I can do about the facts of life, I'm only human.
I'm not interested in any of this garbage. It was dumped on me. so I'm
dumping it on this website. Its a conscious choice I made, and for now,
I'm sticking with my decision. If nothing else, I think I deserve to
amuse myself about it, if I possibly can. It has been extremely painful.
Many people are annoyed that I have prolonged the pain. The people who
did it are totally offended that I say they did it. They think me
telling about it is worse than them doing it. That's not my fault
either. Bob Cox chose to tell me certain things. It wouldn't be worth it
to him if I didn't know, so he told me. I researched the rest. It wasn't
easy to get all the info. I worked on Steve Cureton for a long, long
time. I got what I was looking for, and unfortunately, MUCH MUCH more. I
still don't know a lot of fundamental things. I'd love for it to end,
but new things keep coming out, not just little details, but also big,
tragic, and truly horrible stuff. I don't know where it will end, but it
doesn't feel like its going to be a happy ending. If there's anything
happy about it, it will be the happiness that its OVER, I guess its like
the Holocaust, or something. There no good to be found in it. The bad
guys are going to lose, bigtime. I give you my personal guarantee about
that. Other than that, nothing will ever fix it except to just forget
about it.
Oh, I don't know, who's to say? I wouldn't be
surprised if there's a few more laughs waiting to happen. There's no
doubt in my mind, the last teardrop won't be falling anytime soon. My
mind drifts back to 1995. You think its sad now? This is nothing. I'm
not worried about me. I'm much more concerned about certain friends that
are still alive. That's what really matters.
Yes, this story is annoying. Extremely tedious and a
bummer. But its all worthwhile to me when someone like Robert Brady
reads it. Its like a miracle when someone like Never Forget pops her
head thru the cracks and says she believes every word I have written. I
get the overall impression that there are only a few stragglers left who
don't believe me, people like Val Kronk. I'm not going to shove this
down his throat, I don't want to see him choke, I love him too much. It
doesn't matter. But I know in my heart, eventually he's going to ask me.
The thing is, he's like I was. He's a musician who trusts Taylor. I
respect him too much to not warn him. Someone warned me, I didn't want
to believe it, in fact, I refused to believe it. This friend loved me
enough to perservere, in spite of my resistance, and I was persuaded to
at least TEST the theory.
That was a friend, a true friend.
That's the kind of friend we all need.
(Wipes tears. now its getting heavy, haha.)
It turns out, he was
a Rolex watch

Here's a great photo of two of my very best friends,
POJ and my little sweetheart, Babycat.
I love the fact she's sitting on my Sonor drumset.
This was the last photo of Babycat, she was murdered less
than two weeks later
by Robert
Willis Cox.
This photo is exceedingly above and beyond
any happy ending I could ever want or need.
Given a choice between
a Rolex watch or a Sonor drumset,
I'll take the Sonor drumset every time.
Hey, I KNOW what time it is, and I always have,
that's why the LAMERZ
hate PPX. |