the word I've been looking for. I knew what it was, I just didn't know what it
was called. It means FAKE, its a LIE that cheats, leaving victims in its wake.
Its like Bexar Nekkid Music, its just a front for social appearances, taking
advantage of any sucker that's willing to buy into the bullshit with genuine
trust. Like when Mike Taylor was sitting at the mixing board telling POJ,
"I'm helping San Antonio...", as if he's a generous, giving person,
helping his community with his God given talents out of the love he has for the
MUSIC. A CD is made with "over 50 musicians" on it, as if that means a
LOT of something good. What it really means is nobody got a piece of the pie,
all the pie went to the generous person who paid for the whole thing, and set
the ball in motion, as a small payback for the labor of love invested by this
giving, loving, creative
person who only wants
to help the whole town. The truth is, its just a cover for 4 people who want
only to steal from one person who doesn't realize they aren't friends like they
used to be. They use the belief in sincerity established over many years against
the victim who has no idea whatsoever he's being hurt and hurt BAD, by
"friends". Wolves in sheep's clothing, who put on this act for YEARS
playing absurd roles and syncronizing incompetent lies, until that fateful day
when someone sees right thru the LIE, and alerts the victim to the harm that's
being done. The FRAUDULENT PHONIES get caught with their pants down, and the
only contingency plan they have for being totally exposed is a desperate attempt
to HIDE and LIE their way out of it as much as possible. The amount of believers
decrease over time, not increase, like they're desperately pretending could
happen. The fact is, whenever someone says something and keeps saying it for
years, without any variation and insists vehemently to the truth of YEARS of
saying the same things over and over. Gra
dulally people who doubted
it are persuaded that perhaps there is a possiblity of truth behind the crazy
story. Eventually it becomes crystal clear by observing the way the LIARS hide
and avoid any head on confrontation with an open discussion in front of other
people about the truth or falsehood of certain accusations. The fact they avoid
having to even talk about what should be simple, easily deniable things mkaes
people who believed them 100% from the begininng have to admit their behavior is
not 100% consistent with the "truth" as they are espousing it. In the
end, no one is left who REALLY believes the bullshit except the bullshitters
trhemselves, they HAVEto believe other people are believing in them, or else
they get too paranoid to even function. That's when Popeye-X steps forward and
proclaims in front of everybody... "these pinheads are FRAUDS." Then
they think, "well, we got away with it...", they don't realize what is
coming just as sure as the sun sets, but ALSO rises... its not called WHEN THE
SHIT COMES DOWN for nothing...