Choo Choo Train To Hell

From: visual X-stacy
infomania is the paddleball

birthday to me, happy birthday
to me, I don't want no candles, I don't want no cake, I don't need no ice cream, I don't
need no party, I don't need no spankin', I don't need any phone
calls, I don't need anything because I've got everything I've
ever wanted plus more, I need more time to get around to all my
toys, its taken me over 3 years to play with them all at once, I'm
still not completely there yet, but I am miles and miles closer
than I was. I'm at a peculiar crossroad in my path, one road
leads right here where I'm at, but there is another road that
leads away from here, and it has a lot of potential because
there are PEOPLE out there..
an endless supply... |
have ears
they have eyes
they can think
they can yell
stuff at me I wanna hear... even if I can't quite make out what
they're saying, since I will be LOUDER THAN LOUD the whole time, as long as
they aren't making pissed off faces when they're yelling at me,
its probably a good thing... here's the crux of the matter... I
want to record EVERY TIME I play, even if I throw it away, I
want that choice, and I want it ALL the time.. I can't get the
same stimulation playing here in my studio... I play differently
in front of people... its that rock and roll egomaniac thing
that makes it a LOT fun... when I go out and set up a keyboard
situation, I'm not there to merely look cool, be seen by all the
hip people, and pick up a few coins... if that was my motivation
it wouldn't be worth the effort and the expense... |

to me its like an
American soldier suddenly finding himself in Iraq, he's not
there as a tourist on vacation, seeing the sights and having a
little fun and relaxation... if I set up all these keyboatds, I
definitely want to shoot as many people in the head as I can,
I'm not there to kiss the world's ass, yes, I'm seeking all the
approval I can get, most of all I'm focused on MY approval, and
if I can go into places I've never been before and unleash a
large wave-icle of what I'm doing in this room, then I know FOR
SURE I would at least make my money back on whatever it would
cost, and has cost... |
1/17/89 - XT and midi interface
to this day, Mike
Taylor has NEVER bought a computer
its not that much money
compared to ANY business you might pick out at random, I'm sure
a professional lawn mowing service, or those guys who sell rugs
from Mexico on the side of the road have more money tied up in
their businesses than I have in this silly little noize studio.
The thing is, this lil' operation has the potential to go really
FAR, really CHEAP, like 10 years ago when I said the word "Psychotron"
into my microphone and it eventually ended up in Japan, it was
the only word of English left in the product, by the way, my
boss at the time was none other than |
Bob Cox
the notorious

I was
specifically unstructed not to put audio samples in the the theme
music, he didn't want to pay for it, but I put them in there
anyway, but never got paid. That's alright with me, it would have
been way too musically annoying to leave it out, Cox was too
stupid to see why it was essential. Later on, when they sold it to
a Japanese company, Cox came to me and asked if I had some audio
of the music I wrote, that same audio I was told NOT to make, but
I made it anyway because it sounded great, it had over a dozen
different samples in it, taken from voices in the product and set
in a swirling rhythmic pattern with the theme music I wrote, kind
of a cheesy low-rent spy movie imitation with that annoying hip
hop style of samples jamming along....
when they sold it
to Japan and needed to send some audio along with it, Cox came to
me and asked me if I could make it, and I said I already did, and
had all along, and I made him pay me for the TIME it took to make
a copy of MY master. I know he hated that because he had started
hating my guts secretly by then, and it beguiled him to have to
pay me for the very thing he decided I shouldn't do, but I did it
anyway because I'm a musician. 
I don't work for you, I work for me, all you do is pay me, or not
pay me, and rip me off as much as you possibly can.
This makes you
feel like you're getting the best possible deal, well, guess what?
YOU ARE, but its not because you
fucked me so thoroughly, its because I did such a good job for you
and didn't even make you pay me for doing it, only for COPYING it.
The quality aspect of it doesn't come from someone getting fucked,
it comes from someone getting enormously lucky from a synergy set
in motion by a thing called CREATIVITY,
perhaps you've heard of it?
That's how things
get MADE, they have to be created from scratch, like Grandma's
bisquits. Are you going to tell Grandma, "go ahead and make
breakfast,. but skip the bisquits, we don't HAVE TIME for anything
except scrambled eggs"?
She's going to
make the bisquits anyway, just like she always has, just like she
always will, and if you are such a low-rent weasel about such a
small expenditure of time, then have your goddamn computer
scramble up some breakfast, you can even get it to eat it for the
employees, so they don't waste valuable time that could be spent
doing repertitous tedium, to save the boss money of course. Not
much, its the principle of the thing, it might only be $5 in
monetary value, but $5 worth of sheer greed is much more
important. That $5 savings will pay for the ticket to ride on |
Choo Choo Train To Hell

why is it
I keep saying these things openly, about the president of an
international corporation, AUTOTEST with clients world wide, and
yet I never hear a single word about slander or libel.. WHY? |