I've Been To The Mountaintop...

And Its Ugly As Fuck
from: burning bush in the desert
God sent the Ten
Commandments Fed-Ex overnight to Moses, of course, this is after burning
them into clay tablets with a Fingertip Firewire light pen, like when
the Prophet Daniel read the "fax printing on the wall" to
Nebechannezer... this was all happenin' way back in the days when it was
no big deal for God to use obnoxious drunks to "test rich
kings" like the Saudi Royal Family and Osama Bin Laden's openly gay
Minister Of Fornication, "Bhagdad Bob" AKA "The Split Toe
Camel Humpin, Sahib Dixie Dumplin, Wall-Eyed Hunchbuckler and
Slap-It-Together Humdingeroid Technician... ya keep licking and
re-licking your own crotch, thinkin' its the display on your Rolex
watch, it won't come clean, buff it up another notch, you accidently
buff the alarm button, and it pops a load down your throat, choking and
sputtering, you gasp for air and realize "that wasn't my watch,
that was my dick!" only then do you remember how you fell off your
front porch in a drunken stupor, some tiny Christmas lights and their
twisted wires become snagged in your genitals, "that's what that
ripping sound was!"... As you lose your balance and flip over the
guardrail, you see its a LONG WAY down to the flat concrete slab, and
there's no one left who could possibly break your fall. You have no
choice but to surrender to your inevitable early demise, saying,
"please God, just make it quick and painless!" Suddenly you
are wrenched violently in the opposite direction.... STRAIGHT UP! You
know for a fact you weren't bunji jumping when you lost consciousness,
you look down (up), and to your horror, you see your own dick in a
tangled, knotted rat's nest of Christmas lights, boinging up and down
like a vintage SLINKY. This causes your penis to have a signifigant
"shape change" trauma.... simply put, your 9 second free fall
off a balcony porch headlong into a BBQ pit is a BRILLIANT SUCCESS, too
bad your dick is stretched so thin, it mutates into long, blue
singable cussword guitar string twang thru a huge .jpg of a
Marshall amplifier... silent but NOT so deadly... the only thing that
was real about it was how bad it hurt for days on end! |