here's how you
KNOW its him...

From: proof
How can you tell for sure? Easy... notice how fucking LAME his LIES are. What
is this "exposed" bullshit? If these 4 or 5 posts have
"exposed" something, imagine how 2 years of an entire message
board full of people has EXPOSED
his stupid ass? And his latest victim came to EXPOSE some more, perhaps the ultimate exposition
of his LAMENESS so far!
Whatever happened to his APOLOGY for mistreating her? You know, all that
manly shit? Where a woman-beater says he's SORRY and promises to clean up his act? And what
about the kid? Is the kid ok? Oh, I see, that must be who he "won
the bet" from. Hey, little kid, I BET you think your mommy's boyfriend is a
spineless coxsucking CHICKENSHIT?
Uh, huh, so do we. If he
ever lays a finger on you, just dial 684-3403, we'll come right over and break his
fucking neck for you, if your mommy doesn't beat us to it..

yep, that's his trademark... LYING