from: what happened to your standards, man?
06 Sep 2006
A sad day at Anti-PPX, somebody fucked up and pasted an obit for someone we'd actually heard of before. The end of an era. Of course, he still had absolutely nothing to do with the people who visit here, so there's still hope. I've always enjoyed playing a game I call "Six degrees of Kurt's Bacon," based on the "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" game, in which one tries to link one star to another through the movies of Kevin Bacon, with the winner being the person who can make a connection with the fewest links. In this case, I try to figure out what degree of burnt-ness Kurt's bacon will be fried to (from 1 = limp and raw to 6 = Elvis-style "break it with a hammer, meemaw") as he samples the sizzle to be mixed with a piss-in-a-zinc-bucket guitar solo, and using the length of a jump rope as a standard measure, figure out what godforsaken shithole of the internet where robo-geeks with obituary fixations get together and admire each other's collections you peruse for this week's "Mr. Anonymity" Award winner's obituary post, correlate the mysterious nuances of diet, brain chemistry and obvious cultural factors (like sleeping in the rain a lot, say) that would lead one to assume "this is what I want to do with MY life, yessireebob!" and make it back to this planet by lunchtime. The fewest links from there to here WINS. Ready? GO!