from: constipated
13 Oct 2006
Everyone knows popeye-x is full of shit, well, the other day I was twice as full, and it wouldn't come out. Oh, it HURT like a motherfucker!!!! I ended up taking 8 laxative pills, 2 stool softener pills, and 4 Aleve, I pushed on that motherfucker for two days, only able to pinch off a tip that felt like solid stone. On the second day, I was al Walmart, and suddenly, I got a trickle in my jeans. "I need to SHIT" I headed for the massive Walmart toilets. They have Chuckwagon sized loaf busters, button flush and everything. First I cut losse with a hail of fist size hushpuppies, literally filling the top of the bowl. Then came the coiling baby-arm snakes. When I finished, this industrial strength porcelan fish tank was PACKED will shitballs and twisted limbs, I felt like I was walking on AIR.