from: for real
19 Feb 2007
yes, its true, about a week ago, one driveway away from Luby's, I was on the left hand sidewalk, a woman was getting ready to rocket out onto huebner road, I never cross a car's path until eyeball's meet, I thought they did... they didn't. as I passed in front of the SUV, it took off, full speed. it smacked into me and I slammed into the ground, INSTANTLY, and REAL HARD. she stopped, freaked out. the bike was under the vehicle and I was knocked off into the street, on my ass. everywhere car's stopped, drivers came running. "are you alright?" "I don't know yet, just a sec..." my right leg was kinda spongey, I know not to get up until there's 2 legs. "should I call an ambulance?" "no, wait just a sec" I feel around, my knee hurts, my elbow hurts, my back hurts, but I seem to be ok. "your bike isn't hurt" "oh really? well, if my bike is ok, I'm ok" I get up. the driver who hit me says "I'll still give you my information" I said "keep it, but I've got some information for you... whenver you hit that gas pedal... LOOK BOTH WAYS" I ride off, the bystanders can't believe I don't care, but I haven't got time for the whole lawsuit thing, besides, it was my lunch break and I'm not wasting it on yo-yo's who can't even drive without killing somebody.