from: ray deolissnuh
08 May 2007
Hey I noticed what was posted about Nancy Gray under "what's this?" on this website (pasted below). I knew her a while back and I have to agree with the writer. It's funny that she is written about in such a way on a "Popeye" website, because what popped the eye about Ms. Gray was that her arms so popped with muscles, she outdid Popeye - and was always sleeveless to show it. And, as I recall, she wasn't about to be outdone by anyone or anything. I heard stories about her from someone who worked with her at a radio station, where I was told she secretly physically intimidated her boss, who when he joined the station was expected to fire her, but instead she received promotions and big pay hikes. Some even said her boss showed physical signs of abuse. But most of what has been said about her has been characterized as "jealousy" directed at one who was a pioneer in a competitive male-dominated profession. I met her a couple of times and found her warm, charming, and unassuming. I also saw her on TV kicking her neighbor's butt for animal abuse. What's she up to nowadays? It would be great to hear her on the air again. what's this? From: Remote Name: host-66-81-190-101.rev.o1.com Date: 04-03-23 Time: 17:12 Message HOME | CONTENTS | SEARCH | POST | REPLY | NEXT | PREVIOUS | UP POST 10 X 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 100% created and flown by popeye-x Re: Nancy Gray Gets Into Reaktor From: NANCY'S fan sees Remote Name: host-66-81-163-41.rev.o1.com Date: 03-10-03 Time: 04:10 Message "The coolest chick I know!" ...It's the quote on this website about her...and therefore it's what the world reads about Nancy Gray...If you know her, you know it's true...maybe even understatement???...Glad to see even usually modest Nancy Gray recognizing the truth for a change...Recognize and properly respect her unique royalty, and you benefit and gain strength from the loyalty; very special is a friendship with this most powerful GODDESS...Be honored if she has time for you, be honored if you are allowed to show your respect for her accomplishment, her history, her creativity. She always has had the mind and muscle to do whatever she wishes to accomplish. She is THE woman radio pioneer of Texas showing almost supernatural powers to compete for and excel at broadcasting jobs, always outlasting men who boasted much larger cities on their resumes than San Antonio. But while Nancy Gray could easily have selected jobs of her choice in New York or LA, she elected to raise her son where she felt comfortable. It seemed she had fan clubs everywhere...listeners, friends, co-workers who could appreciate and admire her special talents. She was a genius at music format adaptation, selection, and segue. She rose to trusted management positions, training new airstaff members, always being an example of disciplined competence, and earning hefty pay increases for her efforts. Too bad that on occasion, instead of respect the reaction is envy and jealousy, and attack. Too bad for the attacker. One guy was actually so intimidated by her that the attack became physical. His next stop was the hospital. Others have literally fallen to the ground in humiliation when she says "boo". It is not recommended to get on her bad side. The combination of her mind, adrenalin, and physical presence ain't worth messin' with...ya almost think she can cast a spell...So "join" the "coolest chick" cause you sure ain't gonna beat her...She would more than be up for any challenge...Just remember, she comes in #1 whenever she wants ...#1 Radio...#1 Google search...#1 Best COVER ever...The "coolest chick"...You know it...and now the world knows it too!!!!!!!