Playing the
organ is...
very much like making love to a beautiful woman
From: Xal 23 Oct 2007
First you carefully roll up the cover so that your fingers can reach the important places.
Then you slowly pull out your favorite knob in the Swell section.
Gently lay all ten of your fingers on her keys and start massaging slowly, but deliberately.
As you slowly swell more and more, twiddle with her buttons until she makes the sounds you want her to make.
Build up the tension, massage faster, use your feet if necessary and close your eyes until you both reach climax.
At climax point, flex every muscle in your body on her keys, knobs, holes and buttons until there is no air left in her.
Relax, sit back and enjoy the echo of her sounds of ecstacy.
And afterwards, don't forget to roll back the cover and put out the light.