popeye-x awakens from a
nightmare of incredible slaughter
popeye-x 16 Sep 2007

i don't know if i can tell this right, but it was a fucking bloodbath of major proportions. i just dreamed it in glorious technicolor, and i'm talking about RED. i dreamed there were 4 guys in my house, dismantling everything i owned and stealing it like it was a free-for-all gone out of style. these 4 guys kept saying all these justifications of christian morality, it was all bad stuff deploring me for things i didn't do, but they kept on going, tearing up my shit, loading it in trucks, i tried to call the cops, but they took my phone. i didn't know what to do, then i saw this little cat, in the dream it was mine, but it was hurt, and i went ape fucking shit on these guys with a hefty wrecking bar. they spewed out christian accusations as i beat the blood out of them, they fought back, but i was on a rampage. they screamed with horror as i BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF THEM. i know i killed at least 2 of them. it was bloody as a motherfucker. then i woke up. the tv was on and a christian preacher was talking shit in my ear the whole time.
cool dream!! |