at least pay tribute to the irish potato famine by blowing tater tot chunks up a leperachuan's arse with a pneumatic scattergun. follow the rainbow to a bucket of owl guts, thw pot'o'gold thing was "anyplace a drunken irishman could take a big shit, and walk away without it jumping back in his pants, climbing up his spine, and sticking to the back of his head". this cranial accumulation of fecal matter was commonly referred to as a "blarney stool". once allowed to grow roots and dry out, it cannot be removed without ripping out skull bone chips and brocolli stalk lumps of brain tissue. it is an irish custom to keep a bucket of owl guts nearby at all times, blarney stools need liberal applications of fresh owl guts every few hours, they won't tear loose from the skull completely, however, they'd soften after a while and could be sculpted into shape, like warm, latex house caulk, twirled and interwoven with heavy duty cattle wormer, hand-molded into a wedge shaped "tater tot" also known as "paletta de la caca", or in American English: "shit on a stick", "the chocolate shamrock", or simply "lucky charms...
they're magically delicious!".
