i'm lookin' thru my
stash for more tunes
i have tons of mixes
you've never even heard of
there's a whole shitload of them
from 19'86 to 1996,
what you could call the FTW
era, it
was the most
fun i've had in music so far, that's when i got my

my sequencer and my tape recorders ran non-stop,
around the clock, for about a decade. here's a few
examples of titles i have sitting on my shelves:
- got to go to san antone, brotha!
- more confusion
- don't hang up
- dropsomebass
- nothin' but the truth
- thundadome
- x-ray your brain
- hixodub lead
- glide
- klurt
- ya ya ya ya ya
- for sure
- everyman's dream
- psychotron
- friend to the end
- daddy long legs
- no reason (live)
- fight2win
- ol' you know who
- freedom of choice
- what you see is what you get
- outtacontrol
- n.o.d.r.u.g.s
- marriage made in hell
plus many other classic popeye-x productions
they said would never get me anywhere... like
- i'm cryin'
<--- totally bad-ass
- i am the producer
- life of the party
- real manakin
- mistakes
<--- mindblower
- lookin' 4 a love
- split personality
- paulina
- you talk too much
- on&on&on&on
- rollin' like a maniac
- shut-up
- robar's dick
<--- killer
- xtmoney
- wannagetiton?
- worry'boutitlater
- barry's last jam
- noize police
- tarzan
- rite of wrong
- back-in-touch-with-myself
- french horn western
- yeehaw
- linear
- die4art
- my tv is psychic
- fatslam
- ppx in effect
- logic
- dealer
- bone-2-a-t
- elbish
- meters
- silent but deadly
- words
just get in the way
- i doubt if its art
- used 2 be my lover
- talk-talk
<--- by
spider zero live
- f4w
- xt's happenin' shuffle
- getpaid
- love's supposed to never die
- johnny-1-note
- okie d (the song)
- manovani-lunatic
- cook
- hook
- ringo
- scary music
- donkeydope
- driveby
- innuendo mania
<--- another gem
- you dance like a slut
- what's happenin'?
- comoesta?
- ftw (the song)
- rodney king yo'ass
- kids
- do not disturb
- xt (the song)
- face
- fat albert medley
- braindead
- findthewomen
- combo3
- jamaima x
- pink ear wax
- irritating sounds
brady loves that
- triggerfinger
- xt foodstamps
- 1 eyed bat & a 3 legged frog
- broham
- tellme'boutit
- land of the supercool
- copycat syndrome
- jello milk
gypsy doug loved that
really, that's just the tip of a ridiculously huge iceberg... but let's not forget this
audio clip:
- bobbyjoe mcfuckyou at luby's
taken from my phone machine in 1991, when
will alexander
from london, to tell me
about the luby's massacre:
"hey, kurt! bobbyjoe mcfuckyou
just went into
luby's in killeen, texas, and killed 23 people!"

will alexander on the deck of the uss missouri |