two per side
power amp yo'mamaha
200 watts per side
09-04-06 |
hung from the ceiling, they weigh a LOT,
the only time they budge is when somebody's head plows into them,
but not much! they cost me $350 a piece in 1980, the power amp was
$400, the speaker wire was $50, the hardware to hang them securely,
but without vibration, was about $25. it comes to almost $1900 cash
money, but i've used them for 29 years, so far. |
oops, i forgot. i've blown up every part
of every one of them and had them reconed. some twice. so that takes
it well over $2000 in all. because the expense was necessary, i
never bothered to add it all up. i'm shocked its over 2 grand.
i still need to add some smaller more
modern monitors like they sell now, they're lots cheaper and they
sound fantastic. all i need is somewhere to put them. i'd also like
to put a sub woofer in the corner, not for mixing, but for testing a
regular mix on a sub-woofer system, just to make sure it works. also
to turn on when i'm just headbanging, but
not mixing. |
so i need two more options: near-field
monitors and a sub-woofer, self-powered, and a nice row of on-off
switches for all of it, mounted where i can see them. that is the
worst thing about this studio... i can hear everything
but i can't see a
goddamn thing, not even the letters on this
keyboard! to avoid constant typos, i have to write big letters and
numbers on each key with a sharpee pen, then put a small square of
clear plastic tape over each one |