posts in verse
by mugteaux 
ppx for mugteaux Henceforth, all my posts in verse
Though I will try to keep it terse
And to the point as it should be
Disdaining vain verbosity
I'll try to stick to epigrams
Avoiding moderator slams
We all get in our little ruts
Just ask Badham to show his nuts
Or maybe I'll post random links
Acceptable that is, methinks
The months should not run overlong
Our scrolling function's not that strong
The keys will stick, the fingers tire
Brevity's what we require
Versifiers elsewhere post
Where audiences more engrossed
With lingual noodling congregate
Here we'd rather segregate
The more prosaic of our crowd
From petty rhymers who would cloud
The bandwidth of this hallowed forum
That's the word of one man's quorum.
Just be glad yer board formatting
is sketchy there, puddin
ppx: au contrair, Mugteaux
Oh lord, my gawd what have you done
You heathen fiend from Texas way
You've spent too much time in the sun
And for yer folly I must pay
For you have publicly displayed
Something I said, I thought, in jest
But on my conscience you have preyed
And I think I must do my best.
But see if you don't wish you'd
Your bright ideas and warmest-hearted
Ideas to yourself, and slept
And scratched yer nuts and loudly farted
Or whatever else you do
In that secluded trailer spot
While you await some rendevous
With that fat chick from behind yer lot
Because, you see,
there's twice the burden
In this case, and while yer chattin
I'll be steady typin Word'n
You'll be doin' more formattin!
ppx: au contrair again, Mugteaux