from: PPX 03-04-26
One of the drawbacks of lying is how someone will tell multiple layers of horizontal and vertical lies, like blocks stacked precariously, holding each other up. Then there is that one slip up, and like a chain reaction, each lie uncovered reveals the lies adjacent to it, and at some point, CRITICAL LIE DENSITY is reached, and the whole thing falls to pieces. Previous lies that were believed and forgotten come back to haunt because the odds are 50/50 for each lie by itself, but when more and more lies pop up, the likelyhood of across the board lying gets bigger, until there's no possibility it wasn't all lies from the beginning.
That's what happened to Cureton's lies to me, the edge gave out, and the middle collapsed, and the fracture went all the way to the opposite side, revealing a smiling face, happy friend, pleasant fellow who has been lying systematically for a long, long time, taking the high road, and earnestly passing himself off as a friend who is true... he even says, "I love you, I love you, I love you" and means it with all his heart... not means he loves you, he means to be deceiving you totally, wholeheartedly, so you feel in your heart he would never do you wrong...
This is his idea of acceptible falsehood. If no one knows he's lying except him, then its ok, because the person being deceived doesn't know it, so what does it matter if the lie hurts them? All that really matters is the maintainance of the lie. As long as the lie stands up, there's not even a problem. But as soon as the lie flops on its face, and someone says, "YOU'RE A LIAR", then they are harming him, they are slandering his good name, and making up crazy stories about poor little ol' Mr. Pleasant, you know
him, the one who champions taking the high road so much? That's when you find out his WHOLE PERSONALITY is a lie, his WHOLE LIFE is just one big fraud, always has been. That' his idea of being "sly". Get it? He's tricky. And so on...
So what's the likelyhood that after all that lying, he is now going to not be lying any more? ZERO. Half lies and half truths makes no sense at all. Its either true, or its not true. Anything that isn't true is a lie, whether its known to be a lie or not, its STILL A LIE because it ISN'T true. Steve Cureton thinks it should be allowed to be at least maybe be true, because he's so special and so pleasant, he deserves the benefit of any doubt, his mommy told him he is the most important boy in the whole world, how dare that psychotic asshole Popeye-X have the nerve to even suggest such a thing?
Its real easy to have the nerve... when you're telling the truth, nothing scares you. Popeye-X isn't worried about anyone finding out what he says, finding out what he says is what its all about. Hearing all about it is WHY its being said, you lying fuck! What other possible motivation could there be to say such a thing, except ITS TRUE?
Compare the likelyhood of a guy openly saying something is true, to the likelyhood of a guy who is hiding out, saying nothing at all, avoiding it at all cost?
Hint: the one who is too chickenshit to reply at all is the one who's hiding something. Why would someone want to hide the truth?