with his

Every amplifier FX on full blast,
reverb, tremolo, echo, microphone rock star who sings about his
dick using secret coon ass double talk, his Cadillac is a woman's ass,
his necktie is a rattlesnake, everything in his world has voodoo
element tied into it, he doesn't just fuck your wife or
daughter, he HEALS her of her whiteness like a psycho sexual witch
doctor, yes his dick is HUGE, but he's such a born stud,
his erotic charisma was astrologically proclaimed at birth by
a gypsy woman who told his mother he was destined to fuck
any woman within one hour, not because he wears
diamonds on every finger or for fillings in his
front teeth, no you see, his dick is a like a magic
hummingbird that hums so loud, its like a giant vibrator with the
deafening power of a turbo jet, he uses vast quantities of railroad
track and marble tombstones to do things like floss his genitalia and
make his eyes shoot lightning and reflect the grim
reaper's face, his house has chimney made of human skulls, and strings
his guitar with 40 miles of barbed wire, he's more than a spook from the
swamp, he's got fancy cars, pimp clothes, custom jewelry, even his hat
has giant gawdy belt buckle, a big chunk of metal that's symbolic of
everything he's about, he's louder than anybody else,
therefore anything he says drowns out anything else, except for one
thing, HIS guitar, which he makes no attemp to hide that he plays it,
not in the manner of Segovia or Chet Atkins, but rather like its
his dick, he uses the octave to pull stroke it up and glide stroke
it back down, his strings are tuned to a straight across power chord of
E, he sings over the low position and then kicks it into high gear
sliding up to the high position, playing the same two fret
"lick" everywhere his hands touch, the rhythm is his patented
African beat no white people have never heard in any song before, its so
dark, syncopated, and unknown to them it has no name in their
culture except "the bo diddley beat", 9 times out of 10
any song he does is that same beat with autobiographical
lyrics, its all about HIM and further elaborations of either Bo, or
Diddley, or both, Bo and/or Diddley, and his manhood, like Diddley
DADDY, including what it used to mean before he stole it, basically
Diddley means "nothingness", but in the form of feces, used as
a boastful putdown, as in, "you don't know diddley", i. e.
HIM, in other words, he not only controls all information, he is endowed
with wisdom and the TRUTH itself, you probably thought it was in the
Bible, but bickering church denominations unanimously agree in unified
condemnation of what's REALLY going on when Bo Diddley does his thing...
that deafening din of sonic chaos and jungle boogie trance rhythm
has never ever meant anything but black magic and the Devil himself...
and Diddley describes all this in rhyming verse to his beat, as a setup
to his ultimate rhetorical question that
do you love?"
then he responds
with a slightly different lyrical approach in his defence, and this is
the only known thematic variation of his message, his OTHER big hit...
"You Can't Judge A book By Looking At The Cover" which he
performed without his guitar using only TWO pairs of unamplified
aspect of his music is the melody he uses most of the time, in solfege:
mi, mi, sol, mi, re, do, do... followed by do, do, do, la, do, do, or
in scale degree intervals (all major scale): 3, 3, 5, 3, 2, 1,
1... 1, 1, 1, 1, -3, 1, 1... The source of this melody is also African,
black children sing it when they skip rope, Bo Diddley's phrasing is
lifted from standard nursery rhyme.... in AFRICA. It the major
pentatonic scale used by ALL "prehistoric" cultures, i. e. the
black keys on the piano. these simple notes have their origins in simple
integer ratios, like 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 3/5, 4/5. Bo Diddley's guitar
strings are tuned around a "root bass" in exactly those
ratios. If the bass moves, it moves by the same degree
downward, below the root, and then moves back as the rhythmic
figure reaches cadence. The beat is basically 4 dotted eighths, or
3 sixteenths, 3 x 4 = 12, and then 2 eigths, the bompbomp makes an even
16. The 4th dotted eigth is not played, but hangs from the 3rd, so
its actually a dotted quarter:
bompa bomp___ a-bomp bomp
in straight
sixteenths, that rhythm would be
and the chorus goes
up an octave
or in the key of E
E-E-E... D-E
the melody in the key
of E:
G# B G# F# E E
E E E E -C# E E
the only variation
from the
Bo Diddley formula I know of is
note: this song was written by Willie Dixon,
in a different rhythm
it uses the root
for the verse, on the 4th phrase
the rhythm stops and the voice says the theme,
then it goes to the standard blues IV
back to blues I, proceeding to the V
where the rhythm stops again,
but the voice keeps going
to the IV for one rhythm hit,
voice keeps going
reiterating the same theme
look like a farmer, but, I'm a lover...
you can't judge a book by looking at the cover" |

I walk 47 miles of barbed wire,
I use a cobra-snake
for a necktie,
I got a brand new house
on the roadside,
Made from rattlesnake hide,
I got a brand new chimney
made on top,
Made out of a human skull,
Now come on take a
walk with me, arlene,
And tell me, who do you love?
Who do you love? (4 times)
Tombstone hand and
a graveyard mine,
Just 22 and I don’t mind dying.
Who do you love? (4 times)
I rode around the town,
use a rattlesnake whip,
Take it easy arlene,
don’t give me no lip,
Who do you love? (4 times)
Night was dark,
but the sky was blue,
Down the alley,
the ice-wagon flew,
Heard a bump,
and somebody screamed,
You should have heard
just what I seen.
Who do you love? (4 times)
Arlene took me by my hand,
And she said ooowee bo,
you know I understand.
Who do you love? (4 times) |

Bo Diddley done had a farm,
On that farm he had
some women,
Women here, women there,
Women, women, women everywhere.
But one little girl
lived on a hill,
She rustled and tustled
like buffalo bill,
One day she decided she’d
go for a ride,
With a pistol and a
sword by her side.
She rolled right up to
my front door,
Knocked an’ knocked ’til
her fist got sore,
When she turned and
walked away,
All I could hear
my baby say:
Hey bo diddley,
oh bo diddley,
Hey bo diddley,
oh bo diddley.
Saw my baby run
across the field,
Slippin’ and slidin’
like an automobile,
Hollerin’, my baby got
towed away,
Slipped on from me
like a cadillac-8.
Hey bo diddley,
oh bo diddley,
Hey bo diddley,
oh bo diddley.

Now when I was a little boy,
At the age of five,
I had somethin’ in my pocket,
Keep a lot of folks alive.
Now I’m a man,
Made twenty-one,
You know baby,
We can have a lot of fun.
I’m a man,
I spell m-a-n...
All you pretty women,
Stand in line,
I can make love to you baby,
In an hour’s time.
I’m a man,
I spell m-a-n...
I goin’ back down,
To kansas to
Bring back the
second cousin,
Little john the conqueroo.
I’m a man,
I spell m-a-n...
The line I shoot,
Will never miss,
The way I make
love to ’em,
They can’t resist.
I’m a man,
I spell m-a-n...

I’m a road runner honey,
Beep! beep!
I’m a road runner honey,
And you can’t keep
up with me,
I’m a road runner honey,
And you can’t keep
up with me,
Come on, let’s race,
Baby baby, you will see,
Here I come,
Beep! beep!
Move over honey,
Let me by,
Move over baby,
Let this man by,
I’m gonna show you baby,
look out your head,
Gonna put some
dirt in your eye,
Here I go!
Oh yea, how am I doin?
Beep! beep!
Take my hand baby,
I’m gonna prove to you
that I’m a road running man,
I wanna show you something,
That I’m the fastest
in the land,
Now let me by,
Beep! beep!
Oh yea, you
said you’s fast,
But it don’t look like
you gonna last,
Goodbye! I’ve got to
put you down,
I’ll see you some day,
Baby, somewhere
hangin’ around.

This is a song about how much Bo Diddley can fuck, encoded
in automobile lingo, so they can't accuse him of only having one
subject matter, uh huh, sure, guys are always telling girls about how
much more they drive their cars around, just to give them fair warning
in case they get a little dirt in their eyes when he drives past driving
all around.. uh huh, sure... what he's really saying is he fucks a LOT,
translation: He has to have a whole community of pussy to fuck, not just
one "driver", since he's a Road Runner he drives all around,
he drives rings around all the drivers on the highway, so don't take it
too personal when you get left in the dust... at least he's honest about
it, most entertainers LIE and put on a "decent sense of
morality", and then do their cheating on the side in secret. Not Bo
Diddley, first of all, he's too famous, he can't sneak around because
everyone knows him, they recognize all his magic symbols and identifying
logos and trademarks, in fact its his fame that makes all his road
running so necessary, hey, its part of his job to go gigging all around,
not just around town, AROUND THE WORLD.... and he just naturally has a
different fuck, or several different fucks in every locale... he's
a ROCK STAR, its not just an exageratted myth, ROCK STARS really do get
pussy all around. It sounds too good to be true, but the thing is, Bo
Diddley is telling you the TRUTH, its all the "Diddley
detractors" and critics claiming its Devil music that are the
DECEIVERS. They do it in secret, and the reason they automatically hate
Bo Diddley is because he GETS MORE PUSSY THAN THEY DO, and that really
really bugs them, because they can't figure out WHY? What has Bo Diddley
got that's so fantastic? He's an idiot! He uses nursery rhymes and tunes
his guitar to an open chord, it plays the song just by strumming, no
frets needed except for "effect" and histrionics and sexual
innuendos. Why would all these fine white girls FUCK HIM? Listen to his
lyrics you fucking morons. He's telling you and everybody straight to
your face, out loud, for everyone to see and hear, you can't possibly
miss the hidden meanings in \his subtext... do you think its just a
fairy tale he's talking about? No. He's being truthful, in a tongue in
cheek way, but if you've never been a rock star, then you just don't
know. The hype is all mythology, but the part about the pussy is REAL,
and so much more real than you'd even imagine. In fact, you sensed that
YOUR WIFE wants to fuck him. Admit it. You had a little fight and she
just came right out and said it. You let it pass, and you try to pretend
you never heard that, but she wasn't lying either. I bet Bo Diddley was
very polite and generous to you and your family, but you still hate his
guts simply because he gets the poontag and YOU DON'T. that's why he's a
rock star and you aren't, you just don't know how to be cool. You fake
everything else so thoroughly, but being REAL is something that can't be
faked. So you're attempt at coolness doesn't even get off the ground.
Why? Because you AREN'T even a neutral form of human ZERO. You are LESS
than zero. Why? Because you are FAKE. You put on a social front and you
think that is so important to maintain, that normal thing that means
"everything is alright" as long as you appear to resemble it
on the surface. Here's comes some jigaboo with a square guitar that
makes his own normal out of HIS normal, he's just using what he's got,
and its less than what you started with, nonetheless, he's just going
with it, using his talent and humor to entertain people and ORIGINATING
it. That's what they call him , you know... The ORIGINATOR.
make that claim, but were they rock starts before Bo Diddley? Hmmm. Did
they gig around and have hits on the radio with their own style? Hmmm.?
NO. Is it any wonder your wife would fuck him if she just had a chance
to do it and not get caught? NO. AND YOU KNOW IT. you don't like rock
and roll and rock and roll don't like you, but check out Bo's lyric,
"Bo Diddley is a Gunslinger" Even the sherrif is too
chickenshit to say a word to Bo Diddley. You know WHY? MUSIC is not
against the law, its that simple. FREEDOM OF SPEECH. FREEDOM OF CHOICE.
that means is not a bad thing to be totally unique, instead of
hopelessly ultranormal. And that's all this whole issue boils down to.
read your Bible. Read your Constitution. And you can't handle it, can
you? Watch out, asshole, that Bob Diddley is a Gunslinger is more than
just a lyric... he always gives a fair warning... unlike you sneak
around "putting on a social appearance" types, you Ku Klux
Klan, or whatever racist, sexist clan you got, you just can't allow for
FREEDOM. You are intellectually and spiritually unequipped to live and
let live. Equality is the LAST thing you want. WHY? Because in your
heart you know damn well you are LESS THAN ZERO, the bottom of whatever
barrel is out there...
i. e.
Am I
right? You're goddamn right I'm right, and that's exactly why
gunslingers SHOOT snakes when they show up in the wrong place...
don't forget the house with a chimney made of human skulls... it more
than just a nursery rhyme... its a rock song about pussy... an
amplified sex ritual nursery rhyme... that has FACTUAL mythology...
a person's life is not someone else's toy to play with... that's why
honesty is important... its not just for social appearance... I'm
only explaining my theory of why Bo Diddley's guitar is square...