carvin dc727 2004
present day electric guitars owned by kurt otto


les paul custom 1973


fender stratocaster 1975
the infamous "psycho" strat mongrel tele neck

I still own this piece of shit guitar, I like it a lot


fender stratocaster 1978
this was the best strat I ever had, although it fell apart right before I had to get rid of it in 1995.
I hope to get another to replace it someday, it had a real tunable whammy bar set-up.


Gibson L6S 1975
A hot little booger, I liked this one, the strings were the lowest I've ever played. Sold it in 1988.

This guitar was used on the mp3 by Quartett on this site called CARDBOARD SHOULDERS.


rickenbacker 12 str 1978
Here's a Rickenbacker 12 string I used to own, it was in PERFECT condition, but my fingers were too wide to play it right, so I multitracked with it as much as I could, and sold it in 1984.

Nowadays I still sample bits of the mutitrack, it translates to sampling well.


gibson SG 6/12 1979

too many strings, not enough frets, a really awkward instrument, not unlike a large toilet seat, which is exactly what the other musicians called it, used on LA sessions, 1980, sold 1984


fender p-bass mid-70's

this bass was used on 1980 sessions in LA,
I sold it to Okie D in 1981, should have kept it


KO's first elec guitar, 1965
Brand unknown, seen here (left) with the Donahue brothers, Jimmy, Billy, and John, who is playing a red Airline.
photo by Meemaw


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