I can't spend my time rappin' on, and explaining the universe to the world! Dig, cuz I got too many important things about to happen, stuff I don't even know yet. I gotta find out WHAT IT IS, and what it all means, ya know? The world won't be a better place just because you can dig what I'm saying! Man, you got to realize, by the time the sound hits your ears, its history...and I don't need that kind of a past following me around, cuz I don't look forward to a quick future, neither! I've been through all that before, and it doesn't last. LOOK. I know what I already think I know! Thoughts don't come to mind, except on a need to know basis, which is exactly where my head is at right now! Fuck yesterdays and tomorrows. Now is hard enough for the moment. NOW is all I really need, because right now is the time I need it the most.. And that's perfect, cuz that's all I'll ever have time for, from now on. The past may blow dead goats, but the future looks like its
gonna wind up So, don't waste my precious time. Just shutup and dig my rap. That way, you can stop wasting your own time as well as mine. Someday, when you can throw down like ME, we'll dig on what YOU wanna rap.