Problem Is Quite

Tacki thinks its the light at the end of the tunnel...
from: PPX 000607-4:56
Lying? Who me? PPX?
Where do you get that?
You ought to read your
own fucking posts,
you blithering jackass!
Tacki, I think its high time
you took a long, hard look
in the mirror to ask yourself
the following question:
"Is my obsession with Popeye-X actually helping to trigger the de-constipation of my hideously fudge
packed psyche?"
Just in case you
didn't know,
the answer is an emphatic,
H E L L , N O !!!
Your fucking problem
is very obvious to me,
and everyone else.
What's all this "worship" garbage? If anyone is worshipping false idols, its Turkie and Tacki, sucking up to the
soap operatic, anal retentive MIND
ROT, being pumped out by the blind
forces of
Digitalized Stupidity On Demand Those are the assholes that gave us "rhythm & blues" phonies like Michael Bolton and The Monkees, which you and Ms. Suck-Butt have kissed up to like a couple of shit starved tumblebugs! Keep on rollin' the turdball of blind conformity up that endless incline, you still gotta massive supply of rectal rutabagas to cling
to! And anytime reality gets a little too jammed-packed for comfort, you can always stick
your head back in the sebaceous
folds of your colonic sombrero, and knock a few stalagmites loose with the wrecking ball of yer
Why don't you just go suck a raw
dog donkey lady dildo?
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