review of the Alesis QS7 by popeye-x "All in all, its alright for a piece of shit. I've had the most fun with the unusual sounds it makes." - Dr. Popeye-X, 2003 (1 = Poor / 5 = Excellent) Overall 4 ::: Quality 5, Features 3, Ease Of Use 3, Value 4, Reliability 5 "I've used the QS7 (not the 7.1) in the studio for 3 years, and gigged around Texas with it for over a year. I paid $700 new, I think I got my money's worth, I've had a lot of fun freaking out the audience (and the musicians), whipping out the unusual alien sounds it makes. I think the Keith Emerson programs by his keyboard tech, Will Alexander, are fantastic, especially "Keith's C3". I use it as my trademark sound, since it was created by Will (my best friend on this Earth), and I know damn well Keith uses the real thing. Will Alexander replies: "Actually Keith does use it when only one keyboard can be used." My Alesis QS7 has served me well for the purposes I bought it for. hauling it around Texas doing country gigs and using it for a midi controller in my studio. All in all, its alright for a piece of shit. One thing I do hate about it is the way it jumps into General Midi mode, that is incredibly annoying. To me, General Midi sucks, I have no use for it. I wish I could disable it. I never put midi into the QS7, only out, and that is totally Alesis' fault. I still like my QS7 and will continue to use it. Like I said, its alright for a piece of shit. Its a reliable, lightweight gigging keyboard, and it sounds good enough." ***UPDATE FEB. 2004: "I just bought a QS8.2 for $770, from Sweetwater, its MUCH, MUCH better. The wooden keys make all the difference. Also I found if I put my SR-16 drumbox between the computer midi out and the QS midi in, and I set the SR-16 Clock Out to OFF, it solves the ridiculous Jump To General Midi Problem. Yes, my sequencer puts out a midi clock, how outdated... so fucking what? Should that condemn me to General Midi? Its marketing bullshit." - Dr. Popeye-X, 2004
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