my anecdotes are antidotes
my numbers are numbing
my lecture is elixir
my monologues are monolithic
my babble is baptismal
my infinitives are infinitesimal
my intensity is intestinal
my constitution is constipational
my vernacular is spectacular
my cerebral is parsley
my palsy is poesy
my vestibule is vegetable
my oblivion is obligatory
my inhibitions are uninhabitable
my assimilation is asinine
my nuance is annoyance
my mentor is torment
my forte is faux pas
my innuendo is retardando
my brou-ha-ha is beau-coup boo-hoo
my pronunciation is unspeakable
my poverty is pavlovian
my lucky seven is deep-six
my trophy is atrophy
my argosy is entropy
my pathos is pathetic
my future is unprecedented
my volleys are volatile
my unemployment is occupational
my proboscis is problematical
my practices are impractical
my fantasies are fanatical
my pecker is impeccable
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